Self help book question



Hello, I purchased a new computer with Vista about a month ago..... it has
been a very long month!! I went to the book store and thumbed through "Vista
for Dummies", it was way over my head! I need a really simple book on Vista.
At the Barnes and Noble website there is a book "complete Idiot's guide to
computer basics". Does anyone have this and do you find it helpful. Any
other suggestions?? Thank you for your help.

Colin Barnhorst

The Idiots series is a direct competitor to the Dummies series and is at the
same level. Notice that Vista has a number of tutorial videos built in.
These should lead right into the Dummies and Idiots books.


Hello, I purchased a new computer with Vista about a month ago..... it has
been a very long month!! I went to the book store and thumbed through "Vista
for Dummies", it was way over my head!

You're in deep trouble. Look for a continuing Ed. night class in
computer basics.

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