


I have designed a form (like email listing page of wed).
I can check the yes/No box 1 by 1 as criteria selection. Then I click the
button (append/delete queries). All the selected record then goes to ano ther

I would like to make it more simple by 1 click and select all, can anyone
help me?


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John Vinson

I have designed a form (like email listing page of wed).
I can check the yes/No box 1 by 1 as criteria selection. Then I click the
button (append/delete queries). All the selected record then goes to ano ther

I would like to make it more simple by 1 click and select all, can anyone
help me?

I have NO idea what you mean by "email listing page of wed", nor any
idea what might be the structure of your table. Please explain what
you're trying to do, the nature of your tables, and the relevant
properties of your form (such as the code behind the button).

An Append query without any criteria will append all records, if that
helps any.

Please don't use the "Suggestion" button on the webpage - that's
intended for posting messages to Microsoft suggesting design changes
to the structure of the Access program. If you have a question about
how to do something in Access, just post it - one of us volunteers
will try to help.

John W. Vinson[MVP]


Thanks John

I am sorry to get u confuse.

Actually, I am working a listing of records in Query. Parameter of field
"Status" is yes, its format is (yes/No).

When I check the "staus" box, then close and open the delete query, the
checked record are all gone.

There are about 3000 records in the table, I had to select 50-100 each time.
Checking each record ("status" box) is too tedious because I have to check
them all 1 by 1.

Therefore I would like (1) to Filter out the records, then JUST A "click",
then the 50-100 filtered records becomes checked. then I CLOSE/OPEN the
delete query. The selected record gone.

The case is like I am doing in Hotmail, I check the "select all" on the
upper end, then below 20 records are checked instantly. I can then delete the
20 mails from the database.

I'd like to make these selection of "click and multi select".

Would u mind to teach me again. Thnaks!


Add an "Update Query" more after you click "Check" it.
the "Update Query" is to change "Status" fields form "No" to "Yes".
then goto next step Add/Del query.


HI, Goryung

Thanks. I've tried, but all 3000 records has updated as YES. Can I make it
just the selected 50 records by setting a parameters in update query?

John Vinson

Therefore I would like (1) to Filter out the records, then JUST A "click",
then the 50-100 filtered records becomes checked. then I CLOSE/OPEN the
delete query. The selected record gone.

How are you filtering the records? Are there some OTHER fields in the
table that let you select which fields you want to delete and which
you don't? If so, you don't need the checkbox field at all; instead,
you can create a (new, different) Delete query using *these other
fields* - the ones you're using in the Filter - to select which
records to delete.

John W. Vinson[MVP]



I filter it with the Icon on the tool bar. The icon is a trumpet with a flash.

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