selecting table names



Is there any query to get all the table names in an mdb file. i.e
similar to select * from information_schema.tables will fetch all the
tables names in a database in SQL Server.

Nikos Yannacopoulos

The table you are looking for in Access is MSysObjects. This query:

SELECT Name FROM MSysObjects
WHERE Type = 1 AND NAme Not Like "MSys*"

will return all native Access (Jet) tables. You might also want to
include type 6 (linked tables). Have a look at the table (Tools >
Options, tab View, click Hidden Objects) to see all object types.



Is it possible to get the table constraints like PK, FK details. Will
"msysrelationships" table help if so what are its columns.

Pieter Wijnen


Field Order
Child Column
Child Table
Parent Column
Parent Table
Relation Name



Pieter Wijnen


Field Order
Child Column
Child Table
Parent Column
Parent Table
Relation Name



Is it possible to get the table constraints like PK, FK details. Will
"msysrelationships" table help if so what are its columns.


Douglas J Steele

I don't believe there's any way to query that information from the system
tables. You need to use DAO or ADOX.

Jamie Collins

Douglas said:
I don't believe there's any way to query that information from the system
tables. You need to use DAO or ADOX.

ADODB may be more appropriate, considering the OP is asking about
querying system tables, because the ADODB.Connection object's
OpenSchema method fetches a *recordset* of schema information:

This is an alternative approach to traversing and object model's
collections with DAO/ADOX. In fact, it is my understanding that ADOX
uses OpenSchema under the covers anyhow:;en-us;271483

Also a recordset can be more flexible than a Collection e.g. you can
Filter, Sort, GetString, GetRows, etc.



Douglas J Steele

Jamie Collins said:
ADODB may be more appropriate, considering the OP is asking about
querying system tables, because the ADODB.Connection object's
OpenSchema method fetches a *recordset* of schema information:

This is an alternative approach to traversing and object model's
collections with DAO/ADOX. In fact, it is my understanding that ADOX
uses OpenSchema under the covers anyhow:;en-us;271483

Also a recordset can be more flexible than a Collection e.g. you can
Filter, Sort, GetString, GetRows, etc.

Yeah, you're right. I have that in my "stock answers" at home, but I'm not
at home right now...


Thanks a lot for all your suggestions. As am reading via java,
MSysRelationships helped me in identifying the relationships. However
is it possible to get the column constaints like NULL CHECK, Precision
of the DataTYPE of the column, validation rule applied for the column
etc. Basically I need to generate CREATE TABLE script by reading the
mdb file. I can get the column name, its data type, however the cloumn
constraints are essential to generate the CREATE TABLE script. Any
pointers will be greatfully received.

Jamie Collins

is it possible to get the column constaints like NULL CHECK, Precision
of the DataTYPE of the column, validation rule applied for the column
etc. Basically I need to generate CREATE TABLE script by reading the
mdb file.

The ADODB OpenSchema method can again use used for these purposes. For
the kind of schema information that is available in theory, take a look
at the SchemaEnum ADO enumeration:

I say 'in theory' because the OLE DB provider for Jet 4.0 does not
support all the rowsets and others are only available on a
table-by-table basis (rather than at the schema level). Some have

As a good example, take CHECK constraints. Use adSchemaTableConstraints
with the table name then filter the resulting recordset for
CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'CHECK'; however, this only gets you the CHECK name
and definition. Use adSchemaCheckConstraints and the resulting
recordset for CONSTRAINT_NAME to get the table against which the CHECK
was defined (and column name if that matters to you, however for Jet
the seems to be no way of definig a column-level CHECK). Remember that
Jet, unlike other engines (including SQL Server), does allow multiple
tables to be referenced in a CHECK constraints, but only changes to the
table against which it was defined will cause the CHECK to be invoked.
There are a few of gotchas: for Access-created Validation Rules it is
not a simple 1:1 mapping between CONSTRAINT_NAME values in each
recordset: adSchemaTableConstraints [<table>].[<column>].ValidationRule
maps to adSchemaCheckConstraints [<column>].ValidationRule; also,
adSchemaTableConstraints is sometimes terminated with a Chr$(0),
sometimes not.

Hopefully this will give the impression that writing a program to
generate a CREATE TABLE script wouldn't be a minor task (my pet project
is circa 8K lines of VBA and counting). Also consider that some
Access-only properties do not show up in the schema rowsets.

Your best approach may be to purchase a third party tool which does all
this out of the box.




Thank Jamie for the info. Is there any third party tool which java

Jamie said:
is it possible to get the column constaints like NULL CHECK, Precision
of the DataTYPE of the column, validation rule applied for the column
etc. Basically I need to generate CREATE TABLE script by reading the
mdb file.

The ADODB OpenSchema method can again use used for these purposes. For
the kind of schema information that is available in theory, take a look
at the SchemaEnum ADO enumeration:

I say 'in theory' because the OLE DB provider for Jet 4.0 does not
support all the rowsets and others are only available on a
table-by-table basis (rather than at the schema level). Some have

As a good example, take CHECK constraints. Use adSchemaTableConstraints
with the table name then filter the resulting recordset for
CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'CHECK'; however, this only gets you the CHECK name
and definition. Use adSchemaCheckConstraints and the resulting
recordset for CONSTRAINT_NAME to get the table against which the CHECK
was defined (and column name if that matters to you, however for Jet
the seems to be no way of definig a column-level CHECK). Remember that
Jet, unlike other engines (including SQL Server), does allow multiple
tables to be referenced in a CHECK constraints, but only changes to the
table against which it was defined will cause the CHECK to be invoked.
There are a few of gotchas: for Access-created Validation Rules it is
not a simple 1:1 mapping between CONSTRAINT_NAME values in each
recordset: adSchemaTableConstraints [<table>].[<column>].ValidationRule
maps to adSchemaCheckConstraints [<column>].ValidationRule; also,
adSchemaTableConstraints is sometimes terminated with a Chr$(0),
sometimes not.

Hopefully this will give the impression that writing a program to
generate a CREATE TABLE script wouldn't be a minor task (my pet project
is circa 8K lines of VBA and counting). Also consider that some
Access-only properties do not show up in the schema rowsets.

Your best approach may be to purchase a third party tool which does all
this out of the box.



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