Selecting rows using CRTL, Shift and down or up arrows not working



It was working fine until recently. If I use the keyboard shortcut to select
left or right, it's not a problem. I only have the problem for selecting
down or up. I ran a diagnostic and no luck. Any ideas? I'm using excel


Have you noticed the same thing in another software. Test each key of
your keyboard. It may seem stupid, but it isn't though.


Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your suggestion & sorry it took me a while, I just check my
e-mail and noticed the notification.

Well, I did try the other programs and they all seem fine. Not sure why
Excel is giving problems. I also just noticed that the tab key and now the
autosum is not working properly. Normally it adds the cells adjecent to my
cell but now it's trying to add different cells. I'm going to try to
reintall office and see if that takes care of the problem.


Guess what, thanks to excel 2007 tips, all I had to do is go to the advanced
options and make sure the Transition Navigation Keys check box is unchecked.
That took take of all my problems. If interested here's the url. If your
curious about the step that fix my problem, click the "Tab Key Doesn't Move
from Cell to Cell" hyperlink under Newest Tips. Thanks!

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