selecting region with particular color


Ramik Sadana

i m presently workin for building a game for a pocket pc.. i m stuck at
a point where i hav to handle some event whenevr a moving ball strikes
another object.. i hav made the object using a set of points and
fillpolygon command

now the problem is.. i cant put the object in a region...

d alternatives coming to my mind wer..

1. ifever there's a command by which u could make a region data by
checking the color at a position.. eg. i make rectangle region around
my object and by a certain command i make all d part of dat rectangle
which has a particular color to go into a region objct... nd den tak
intersection of ball wid d region

2. or ifevr dere is a command by which u can pick up d color of any
arbitrart point... nd i chck d oor of the coordinated of ball.. if it
is same as the clor of my object... i action d event.... i found dat
the color pick command is only 4 bitmap image...

ne1... plz help

ne oder alternatives as well..


Ramik Sadana
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur


Je maannn, dont knouw wiver dis will 'elp, but checkout de 'GAPI' sdk
from dem Microsoft peeps.


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