Selecting no color for a graphed series



I created a toggle button and assigned a small program to it to toggle Y
error bars on and off for a plotted series on a chart. It works great except
I notice that there are little voids on another plotted line on the chart
anywhere it intersects the whited out high-low error bars.

So, can a "no color" choice be selected, and would this work? I have
..ColorIndex = 2 now for whiting out the high low error bars.

My thanks in advance for any direction here.


Andy Pope


Doesn't look like the error bars have the option of no colour.
Try a routine along the lines of

With ActiveChart
With .SeriesCollection(1)
.HasErrorBars = Not .HasErrorBars
If .HasErrorBars Then
.ErrorBars.Border.ColorIndex = 2
End If
End With
End With


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