Selecting multiple options in a form



Is it possible to have multiple options in a word form and the user would be
able to use a control button to select a variety of the options and then save
or print the document with their specific choices displayed?


Hi Longhorn,

Save the form as a template. Place dropdown-list form fields (3rd button on
the View | Toolbars > Forms toolbar) where the user can select what he wants.
Add the options to each form field by means of its properties (4th button).
Protect the template (last button, or 'Tools | Protect document' to provide
a password) and save it.

Users can make their own documents based on the template, with his selected
options in them.

Good luck,


Thank you for your reply. I have the dropdown-list form, but it only allows
me to select one of the listed items. Is there a way to pick more than one
without creating several different dropdown-list forms? For example, In
resolving a problem a person could have taken several standardized actions.
When they use the template to record their actions they could select all of
the actions that were applicable. The final document would then only show
the actions they took and not the entire list.

Charles Kenyon

It is not possible. You could code a form so that at some point a macro
would come into play and delete choices that were not checked. Easiest way
to do this would be a table with a checkbox in the first column and the
choice in the second. At least one of your choices might be simply a blank
text field. A macro would unprotect the form and delete rows in the table
that didn't have a checked box in it, then reprotect the form (without
resetting data).

If you are going to that much trouble, though, you might be better off with
a UserForm. It could
simply insert the selected choices into the Word document. While drop-down
menus allowing multiple choices might be possible, to me they would be very
Charles Kenyon

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