selecting multiple ActiveCell items (possibly loop problem)



situation: i have an excel spreadsheet that i'm trying to manipulate
data from(multiple columns). I'm trying to use activecells, but am not
quite sure how to utilise multiple active cells. here is the basic
idea of my code......

Private Sub GreenGiraffe()

Let i = 3

Do While ActiveCell.Value <> ""
Range("J" & i).Select
A = ActiveCell.Value

Select Case ActiveCell.Value

'all my case statements here

End Select

Range("F" & i).Select
B = ActiveCell.Value

Range("G" & i).Select
C = ActiveCell.Value

D = B * C * A / 1000

Range("L" & i).Formula = D

i = i + 1


End Sub

i actually think it's more of a problem to do with the loop, as when i
take it away one row of the excel sheet works perfectly.....(now that
i've tried more things, i'm pretty damn sure it's a problem with the
loop, but any suggestions are welcomed.)


i'll add a wee bit, cos i just changed it(a bit that didn't make sense
before), and add a bit to the case, so you have an idea


Do While ActiveCell.Value <> ""
Range("J" & i).Select

Select Case ActiveCell.Value
case 1
A = "65"
case 2
A = "50"

End Select



never mind, it totally works, sorry for being slightly stupid hahah

hope this one day helps someone out...

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