selecting most recent customer visit



am building basic customer relationship mngt dbase to
track multiple visits to multiple customers and notify
sales rep to scheduled future visits. would like to
select most recent visit to each customer in order to
schedule future visit.

For example, next visit is 90 days from last visit. I
have figured out the calculated field to add 90 days to a
visit. However, it adds 90 days to all visits, not just
the most recent visit.

Any suggestions


John Vinson

For example, next visit is 90 days from last visit. I
have figured out the calculated field to add 90 days to a
visit. However, it adds 90 days to all visits, not just
the most recent visit.

How are you doing it? If it's an Update query, please post the SQL.
You will probably need to use a Totals query with the Max() operator,
or a DMax() function call to find the most recent date, but not
knowing the structure of your tables or the queries I can't make a
specific suggestion.

John W. Vinson[MVP]
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