
Had a windows system/config/32 error and could not boot. Went into the bios
and selectected to boot from CD. Did not work. Remembered that I had windows
on my old Maxtor adn so I selected it to boot from and it worked. Problem is
that I still cannot access the primary ( new 80 g seagate). Windows sees and
I can pull soem files off but most i cannot. The error lives on the Seagate
and I want to relaod windows, but how do I selced thge drive i want during
the process? When loading from the OEM disc it just goes straight to the
instal on the Maxtor. When trying to use the Seagate i cannot get to the
repair cnsole, just goes into a reboot loop.


You may be able to solve your problem with a set of boot disks:

Read through all the instructions to see if there's something that can help.

Other than that, try going into "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" on the
Maxtor drive. Swap to the Seagate and copy the files you need to keep.

Then you can reformat the seagate and do a clean install of the o/s.

Reply if you need more help.

Paul Shafer, MCDST

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