Selecting an existing worksheet



Good afternoon,

Based on the following Microsoft article, I am retrieving data from SQL

What this article does is create a a new Excel worksheet and populate that
sheet with the data (roughly on page 13 of document).

employeeWS = DirectCast(Me.Application.Sheets.Add(), Excel.Worksheet)
employeeWS.Name = "Employees"

I want to use an EXISTING worksheet, but I cannot get this to work. I have
tried several options, such as using:


But it either bombs there or on subsequent code (depending on other options
I try).

I don't want to create a NEW worksheet so how do I use the existing
worksheet (the one that has the focus).

Thanks in advance. It is greatly appreciated.


No, but you gave pointed me down the right path. It is this:

employeeWS = DirectCast(Me.Application.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)
employeeWS.Name = "Employees"

Thanks for your help Mike! Greatly appreciated.

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