selecting a specific excel instance


Henning Winkler

Hi all,

I'm looking for a way, to catch a specific excel instance and use
their objects (fill in data f.e.) . I my case, there are several
excels (listed in the taskbar) - f.e.five - and I want to access the
instance with the title "Microsoft Excel - Test1.xls.". I tried that
with findwindow-api, but I think, a can't acess the excel object via
this window handle, right ?
Any idea to solve this problem ?

Thanks in advance



You can access an open document by using the following code:
Windows("Book2.xls").Activate ' Activate a document
Sheets("Sheet2").Select ' Select the proper sheet in that document


Peter T

Hi Henning,

If you know the full path to your file Text1.xls you can do something like
this -

Sub test()
Dim objWB As Object ' Excel.Workbook
Dim xlApp As Object ' Excel.Application

Set objWB = GetObject("C:\Temp\Test1.xls")
Set xlApp = objWB.Parent

End Sub

If your code is in Excel, or in some other app with a reference to Excel,
change 'As Object' to the appropriate Excel object type.

If you don't know the path it's much more difficult.

Peter T


First make sure you actually have multiple instances and not multiple
workbooks open in the same instance.
Check the setting Tools>Options>View>Windows in Taskbar.

If you are working in the same instance, it is more simple:
Dim WB as workbook

set wb=workbooks("SomeWorkbook.xls")

Otherwise look in GetObject.

You can use the Windows API, but automation/COM is more straight forward.
But depends on your situation/requirements.


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