Selecting a filepath based on cell contents



ok ill try and explain this as easily as i can.

I export a csv daily (1-Borrowed Hours ddmm.csv) ddmm would be the date
and month

I keep this folder in a similar filepath to the below

g:\folder1\folder2ddmm\1-borrowed Hours ddmm.csv

I have another spreadsheet that links to this spreadhseet for example
lets say cell A1 on my new book links to cell A1 on the saved csv

i would like to place a date in cell c1 and month d1 in my new book and
the filepath change to the required new csv. I realise that if the path
does not exist then this will cause an error.

I tried using the concatenate function with no joy and im not even sure
if this can be done, possibly using VB im not sure.

Can anyone help?

Damon Longworth

You will have trouble with this task as described. Indirect is the closest
function, but it does not work with closed files.

I personally avoid external links. I will add a sheet, then copy the
external data into this new sheet. Now my links can be created to internal
data. There is a macro inside the file to update this data sheet with the
newly exported data.

Damon Longworth

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Sept 16th and 17th
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