I have a emplyee database. I need a select query to show records with values
in certain fields. lets say fields A, B, and C. each field may have any
combination of the values "null"or "not Null":
12 dan
shoe john
For the most part, these 3 fields will be null in 98% of the records, as
after these fields are entered, they will append another table and then be
cleared. I need the query to select only records with values in these 3
fields, then append the other table. I tried a criteria of ïs not null" in
each field in the query, but this will not show the records unless all 2
fields have values. how do I show the records in which on of these fields is
in certain fields. lets say fields A, B, and C. each field may have any
combination of the values "null"or "not Null":
12 dan
shoe john
For the most part, these 3 fields will be null in 98% of the records, as
after these fields are entered, they will append another table and then be
cleared. I need the query to select only records with values in these 3
fields, then append the other table. I tried a criteria of ïs not null" in
each field in the query, but this will not show the records unless all 2
fields have values. how do I show the records in which on of these fields is