Select more than one date in a calendar



I am looking for a calendar to use in Microsoft Access 2003. The calendar
must allow the user to select as many dates as he likes to (every selected
date must be visible somehow in the calendar, eg. marked with a circle).
Microsoft's Calendar Control doesn't do that, and as far as I can see
Lebans' MonthCalender neither (it supports ranges but not the selection of
different dates, and the calendar is closed whenever a date is selected).

Does anyone kow where I can find such a calendar? The perfect calendar would
be a form bound to a table that stores dates displaying all the stored dates
in the calendar (and of course allowing the user to update dates by just
clicking around).

Thanks for any hints,

Stephen Lebans

Boris you would have to modify my Calendar but it does expose the
DayState property which can be used to mark multiple days. The issue
would be to modify the Calendar to only close when the "Close Calendar"
button/menu is clicked. Additonally, you would have to use the exposed
MCN_SELCHANGE message to raise an event in the MonthCalendar class. From
this event you would update the DayState property to include the date
the user just clicked on.

Stephen Lebans
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