SELECT INTO to text file


RB Smissaert

Not really an Access question, but I reckon somebody here will know.

As I can now (thanks to Dirk Goldgar) put data directly from Interbase into
an Access table,
without using a RecordSet, I wonder if the same can be done, but now putting
the data in a
text file. I would guess it can be done, but haven't found the right syntax
yet, although I can
do it from text file to text file.

I take it that there will be some performance gain compared to doing:
Data to RecordSet,
Writing the string to the text file

Although even this is pretty fast:

Sub RecordSetStringToText(rs As ADODB.Recordset, _
strFile As String, _
Optional strColDelim As String = ",", _
Optional strRowDelim As String = vbCrLf, _
Optional lRows As Long = -1, _
Optional strFields As String = "", _
Optional bFieldsFromRS As Boolean)

Dim arr
Dim i As Long

If bFieldsFromRS Then
'get field row from the recordset
arr = fieldArrayFromRS(rs)
strFields = arr(0)
If UBound(arr) > 0 Then
For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
strFields = strFields & "," & arr(i)
End If
strFields = strFields & vbCrLf
End If

If lRows = -1 Then
StringToTextFile strFile, _
strFields & _
rs.GetString(2, , strColDelim, strRowDelim)
StringToTextFile strFile, _
strFields & _
rs.GetString(2, lRows, strColDelim, strRowDelim)
End If

'needed as GetString will move the cursor to the end

End Sub

Function fieldArrayFromRS(rs As ADODB.Recordset) As Variant

'gets the field names from an ADO recordset
'and puts them in a one dimensional 0-based array

Dim objField As ADODB.Field
Dim tempArray()
Dim n As Byte

ReDim tempArray(0 To rs.Fields.count - 1)

For Each objField In rs.Fields
tempArray(n) = objField.Name
n = n + 1

fieldArrayFromRS = tempArray

End Function

Thanks for any advice.



here is a general procedure that may be useful to you for
some ideas...

this code creates a TAB delimited file unless otherwise
specified ...

Sub ExportDelimitedText( _
pRecordsetName As String, _
pFilename As String, _
Optional pBooIncludeFieldnames As Boolean, _
Optional pBooDelimitFields As Boolean, _
Optional pFieldDeli As String)

'written by Crystal
'strive4peace2007 at yahoo dot com

'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library

'pRecordsetName --> name of query or table;
' or SQL statement
'pFilename -- name of file to create
'pBooIncludeFieldnames -- optional
' -- TRUE if you want fieldnames at top
'pBooDelimitFields -- optional
'-- TRUE for delimiter, FALSE for none
'pFieldDeli -- optional
'-- string to use as delimiter,
' TAB will be used if nothing specified

' ExportDelimitedText _
"QueryName", _

'set up error handler
On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim r As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String

booDelimitFields = Nz(pBooDelimitFields, False)
booIncludeFieldnames = Nz(pBooIncludeFieldnames, False)

'make the delimiter a TAB character unless specified
If Nz(pFieldDeli, "") = "" Then
mFieldDeli = Chr(9)
mFieldDeli = pFieldDeli
End If

'if there is no path specfied,
'put file in current directory
If InStr(pFilename, "\") = 0 Then
mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path
mPathAndFile = ""
End If

mPathAndFile = mPathAndFile & "\" & pFilename

'if there is no extension specified, add TXT
If InStr(pFilename, ".") = 0 Then
mPathAndFile = mPathAndFile & ".txt"
End If

'get a handle
mFileNumber = FreeFile

'close file handle if it is open
'ignore any error from trying to close it if it is not
On Error Resume Next
Close #mFileNumber
On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

'delete the output file if already exists
If Dir(mPathAndFile) <> "" Then
Kill mPathAndFile
End If

'open file for output
Open mPathAndFile For Output As #mFileNumber

'open the recordset
Set r = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(pRecordsetName)

'write fieldnames if specified
If booIncludeFieldnames Then
mOutputString = ""
For mFieldNum = 0 To r.Fields.Count - 1
If booDelimitFields Then
mOutputString = mOutputString & """" _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum) & """" & mFieldDeli
mOutputString = mOutputString _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum).Name & mFieldDeli
End If
Next mFieldNum

'remove last delimiter
if pBooDelimitFields then
mOutputString = Left(mOutputString, _
Len(mOutputString) - Len(mFieldDeli))

end if

'write a line to the file
Print #mFileNumber, mOutputString
End If

'loop through all records
Do While Not r.EOF()

'tell OS (Operating System) to pay attention
mOutputString = ""
For mFieldNum = 0 To r.Fields.Count - 1
If booDelimitFields Then
Select Case r.Fields(mFieldNum).Type
Case 10, 12
mOutputString = mOutputString & """" _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum) & """" _
& mFieldDeli
Case 8
mOutputString = mOutputString & "#" _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum)
& "#" & mFieldDeli
Case Else
mOutputString = mOutputString _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum) & mFieldDeli
End Select
mOutputString = mOutputString _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum) & mFieldDeli

End If

Next mFieldNum

'remove last TAB
if booDelimitFields then mOutputString = _
Left(mOutputString, Len(mOutputString) _
- Len(mFieldDeli))

'write a line to the file
Print #mFileNumber, mOutputString

'move to next record

'close the file
Close #mFileNumber

'close the recordset

'release object variables
Set r = Nothing

MsgBox "Done Creating " & mPathAndFile, , "Done"

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, , _
"ERROR " & Err.Number & " ExportDelimitedText"
'press F8 to step through code and correct problem
End Sub


Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at



here is a general procedure that may be useful to you for
some ideas...

this code creates a TAB delimited file unless otherwise
specified ...

Sub ExportDelimitedText( _
pRecordsetName As String, _
pFilename As String, _
Optional pBooIncludeFieldnames As Boolean, _
Optional pBooDelimitFields As Boolean, _
Optional pFieldDeli As String)

'written by Crystal
'strive4peace2007 at yahoo dot com

'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library

'pRecordsetName --> name of query or table;
' or SQL statement
'pFilename -- name of file to create
'pBooIncludeFieldnames -- optional
' -- TRUE if you want fieldnames at top
'pBooDelimitFields -- optional
'-- TRUE for delimiter, FALSE for none
'pFieldDeli -- optional
'-- string to use as delimiter,
' TAB will be used if nothing specified

' ExportDelimitedText _
"QueryName", _

'set up error handler
On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim r As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String

booDelimitFields = Nz(pBooDelimitFields, False)
booIncludeFieldnames = Nz(pBooIncludeFieldnames, False)

'make the delimiter a TAB character unless specified
If Nz(pFieldDeli, "") = "" Then
mFieldDeli = Chr(9)
mFieldDeli = pFieldDeli
End If

'if there is no path specfied,
'put file in current directory
If InStr(pFilename, "\") = 0 Then
mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path
mPathAndFile = ""
End If

mPathAndFile = mPathAndFile & "\" & pFilename

'if there is no extension specified, add TXT
If InStr(pFilename, ".") = 0 Then
mPathAndFile = mPathAndFile & ".txt"
End If

'get a handle
mFileNumber = FreeFile

'close file handle if it is open
'ignore any error from trying to close it if it is not
On Error Resume Next
Close #mFileNumber
On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

'delete the output file if already exists
If Dir(mPathAndFile) <> "" Then
Kill mPathAndFile
End If

'open file for output
Open mPathAndFile For Output As #mFileNumber

'open the recordset
Set r = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(pRecordsetName)

'write fieldnames if specified
If booIncludeFieldnames Then
mOutputString = ""
For mFieldNum = 0 To r.Fields.Count - 1
If booDelimitFields Then
mOutputString = mOutputString & """" _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum) & """" & mFieldDeli
mOutputString = mOutputString _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum).Name & mFieldDeli
End If
Next mFieldNum

'remove last delimiter
if pBooDelimitFields then
mOutputString = Left(mOutputString, _
Len(mOutputString) - Len(mFieldDeli))

end if

'write a line to the file
Print #mFileNumber, mOutputString
End If

'loop through all records
Do While Not r.EOF()

'tell OS (Operating System) to pay attention
mOutputString = ""
For mFieldNum = 0 To r.Fields.Count - 1
If booDelimitFields Then
Select Case r.Fields(mFieldNum).Type
Case 10, 12
mOutputString = mOutputString & """" _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum) & """" _
& mFieldDeli
Case 8
mOutputString = mOutputString & "#" _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum)
& "#" & mFieldDeli
Case Else
mOutputString = mOutputString _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum) & mFieldDeli
End Select
mOutputString = mOutputString _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum) & mFieldDeli

End If

Next mFieldNum

'remove last TAB
if booDelimitFields then mOutputString = _
Left(mOutputString, Len(mOutputString) _
- Len(mFieldDeli))

'write a line to the file
Print #mFileNumber, mOutputString

'move to next record

'close the file
Close #mFileNumber

'close the recordset

'release object variables
Set r = Nothing

MsgBox "Done Creating " & mPathAndFile, , "Done"

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, , _
"ERROR " & Err.Number & " ExportDelimitedText"
'press F8 to step through code and correct problem
End Sub


Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at



Hi strive4peace,

Thanks for the reply, but is your code any faster than the one I
I was looking for a solution without creating the recordset first.



Hi strive4peace,

Thanks for the reply, but is your code any faster than the one I
I was looking for a solution without creating the recordset first.


Pieter Wijnen

You can Use the DoCmd.TransferText Command to do it
Just Save the spec to reuse
(do a manual export once to create the spec by using File/Export)



Pieter Wijnen

You can Use the DoCmd.TransferText Command to do it
Just Save the spec to reuse
(do a manual export once to create the spec by using File/Export)



RB Smissaert

What I am asking for wouldn't involve Access.
It would be running a SQL string on an Interbase database with the output
directly to a text file.
See the thread Interbase data to Access of 19 May.
This will do this, but with the output to Access, now I need it to be to
I would think it can be done without creating a RecordSet first and that
could be faster.


RB Smissaert

What I am asking for wouldn't involve Access.
It would be running a SQL string on an Interbase database with the output
directly to a text file.
See the thread Interbase data to Access of 19 May.
This will do this, but with the output to Access, now I need it to be to
I would think it can be done without creating a RecordSet first and that
could be faster.


RB Smissaert

I am not sure I do have to use a Recordset, but if I do then would using an
ADO stream be faster than using GetString and writing the string to text?


RB Smissaert

I am not sure I do have to use a Recordset, but if I do then would using an
ADO stream be faster than using GetString and writing the string to text?


Pieter Wijnen

I think so (you can build the whole thing into a variable - if it will in
memory & write it in one go)
at least the code will be shorter & thus more readable
haven't used streams much I must confess (at least not extensivly/lately)


Anybody want to comment on this thread - feel free

Pieter Wijnen

I think so (you can build the whole thing into a variable - if it will in
memory & write it in one go)
at least the code will be shorter & thus more readable
haven't used streams much I must confess (at least not extensivly/lately)


Anybody want to comment on this thread - feel free

RB Smissaert

Thanks, I thought it would be something like that, but the quoted thread is
a bit sparse. How is the query actually executed?
Would you have any more complete code sample?


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