Select first 5 visible rows


Paul Brown

I have a filtered spreadsheet and am trying to select the first 5 visible
rows to copy onto a separate sheet.

I can use ActiveCell.Offset(1,0).Select to get the next row down but how can
I move on until the next row is visible (looping?) and how can I then
continue to move down and in addition to the first selected visible row
select the next 4 visible rows? I can then paste all 5 elsewhere.
Alternatively, do I have to select each visible row individually and paste
elsewhere within the loop? If so, how do I stop the loop running after the
fifth time?

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!

Really grateful for any assistance with this.


Dave Peterson

Dim HowManyVisRows as long
dim VisRng as range
dim myCell as range
dim iCtr as long

'apply the filter someway

With worksheets("somesheetname").autofilter.range
'subtract one for the header.
howmanyvisrows _
= .columns(1).cells.specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).cells.count - 1

if howmanyvisrows >= 5 then
'avoid the header and come down one row
'and only look at one the first column
set visrng = .resize(.rows.count-1, 1).offset(1,0) _
set visrng = nothing
end if
end with

if visrng is nothing then
'warning message???
msgbox "not enough visible rows!
ictr = 0
for each mycell in visrng.cells
ictr = ictr + 1
if ictr > 5 then
exit for
end if
mycell.entirerow.copy _
next mycell
end if

Untested, uncompiled--watch for typos.

Paul Brown

Many thanks Dave,

I will give it a go.

Dave Peterson said:
Dim HowManyVisRows as long
dim VisRng as range
dim myCell as range
dim iCtr as long

'apply the filter someway

With worksheets("somesheetname").autofilter.range
'subtract one for the header.
howmanyvisrows _
= .columns(1).cells.specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).cells.count - 1

if howmanyvisrows >= 5 then
'avoid the header and come down one row
'and only look at one the first column
set visrng = .resize(.rows.count-1, 1).offset(1,0) _
set visrng = nothing
end if
end with

if visrng is nothing then
'warning message???
msgbox "not enough visible rows!
ictr = 0
for each mycell in visrng.cells
ictr = ictr + 1
if ictr > 5 then
exit for
end if
mycell.entirerow.copy _
next mycell
end if

Untested, uncompiled--watch for typos.

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