Select entries between two dates?



How do I copy and paste to another spreadsheet all entries betwen two dates?
The data covers columns "A:J" and dates for a year. There may be several
entries in one day as well.
Thank you

Gary''s Student

First sort the data by the Date column. Then you can copy/paste in a single


Hi Bob.
Autofilter is great for this. First click anywhere in your list, then go to
Data menu, filter, Auto Filter. It will give you the drop down options in
your heading row. From your dates heading drop down select Custom option.
Select: greater than or equal to first date ans less than or equal to last of
your dates. the filter will hide dates you do not want. then you can copy and
paste the entries you need to another worksheet.


Is there a code or formula that can be used, when inserting two dates it does
it automatic?


Thanks Maggiec that works manually, is there a vb code that would do that
automatic if two dates where entered in two cells?
Cell A1=01-Jan-09
Cell A2=31-Jan-09

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