Select Categories and statistics from a table of Categories and Products (Excel 2000)


L Mehl

One sheet in a workbook contains these columns:
Product Category, Product Name, Product Bitrate

I want to use the table in 2 ways:

1 - present a list of Categories only, from which the user selects 1 or more
to be processed

2 - in the processing, use the Average of the Bitrate of products in the
selected category/categories.

If this was a SQL database, the solutions would be:
1 - SELECT Category FROM ... GROUP BY Category as the source for a listbox
2 - SELECT Category, AVG(Bitrate) FROM ... GROUP BY Category

Is a Pivot table part of the solution? If so, how do I extract data from a
pivot table?

Can someone get me started doing this in Excel?

Thanks for any help.

Larry Mehl

Dave Peterson

A pivottable seems reasonable to me.

And you could always use an =vlookup() to return the second column of the
pivottable (first column would hold the category).

You could also use a few formulas:

(all one cell)


I'm not sure how you're going to present the list, though.

Maybe a few cells that have Data|validation applied. Then you could even use an
adjacent cell that has something like:


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