security update 822925



We applied security update 822925 to our Win2k sp4 box,
but apparently, it causes iplanet webserver 6.0 service
pack 5 not to start up - due to it not being able to
allocate enough heapsize, even though there is clearly
enough physical and virtual memory for this maxHeapSize
setting. The setting is jvm.maxHeapSize=822083584.

Once we take the microsoft patch off, the webserver starts
up fine.

We've submitted a case to Sun, but they believe it's a
Win2k issue, due to this latest security update.


Sven Zallmann

We applied security update 822925 to our Win2k sp4 box,

In this case you bunked into the wrong group :)
Try one of the groups in the microsoft.public.win2k hierarchy.

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