Security Fix For Internet Explorer July 30, 2004


Richard Steven Hack

But, like many other people, I do not have the right hardware or sofware
to use Linux,

You don't need any "software" to run Linux, it is software. Unless
you mean you want to run Microsoft Office on it - then you have to get
CrossOver Office which is OT here because it's not freeware (but it is
cheap). Or you can just learn OpenOffice which is free.
Besides, when I buy an OS, I want it to do most of the work,
not me have to type lengthly strings into a command line to do

A modern Linux almost never requires you to use the command line
unless you have to fix something. Which also happens to be true about
Windows - if you have to fix something serious, you'll discover that
all the major Windows repair functions provided by MS are command

In fact, IIRC, Microsoft is designing a new command line interface for
Longhorn - for when the GUI doesn't work which I suspect will be a
common occurrence given that this is a major rewrite of the whole OS.

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