



Currently I'm using a database (Access XP) that is located on a network and
shared by other users. I recently copied the database from the network and
pasted it on my desktop. Next, I used the security wizard to create user
accounts with different rights. My problem occurs when I attemt to open the
database. Once I log on as a user and then close the database. When I
reopen the database, I don't see an option to change the user login and
password. It takes me to my last log in account. Any idea?? I havent tried
to put the database back on the network yet. It's sitting on the desktop.
Could that be the problem?? Thank you an advance.


Joseph Meehan

John said:

Currently I'm using a database (Access XP) that is located on a
network and shared by other users. I recently copied the database
from the network and pasted it on my desktop. Next, I used the
security wizard to create user accounts with different rights. My
problem occurs when I attemt to open the database. Once I log on as
a user and then close the database. When I reopen the database, I
don't see an option to change the user login and password. It takes
me to my last log in account. Any idea?? I havent tried to put the
database back on the network yet. It's sitting on the desktop. Could
that be the problem?? Thank you an advance.


Good source for information, if you don't already have it:;[LN];207793


It prompts me to log in, and I use my admin login to do so. However, when I
close the database and reopen it, I don't see the (login to put my user name
and password) prompt anymore. It just takes me directly to the database. I
want to be able to see the promt to choose a different user name to log in.
Please help...




I'm also noticing a icon with a lock with the size 1kb. When I close the
database I still see it next the database icon. However, sometimes when that
icon goes away, I can double click my database and get the to login prompt.
I know I'm almost there. Help me finish that last step, please. Thanks.

Joseph Meehan

John said:

I'm also noticing a icon with a lock with the size 1kb. When I close
the database I still see it next the database icon. However,
sometimes when that icon goes away, I can double click my database
and get the to login prompt. I know I'm almost there. Help me
finish that last step, please. Thanks.

That file (YOURFILENAME.LDB) is the locking database file, it holds the
user connection information. If it gets messed up, you may need to delete
it. Normally when the last one out quits the LDB file is deleted. I have
not checked, but it could wait until you exit Access as opposed to exiting
the database.



Don't reply if you don't have the answer. This is considered to be


Joseph Meehan said:
John said:

Currently I'm using a database (Access XP) that is located on a
network and shared by other users. I recently copied the database
from the network and pasted it on my desktop. Next, I used the
security wizard to create user accounts with different rights. My
problem occurs when I attemt to open the database. Once I log on as
a user and then close the database. When I reopen the database, I
don't see an option to change the user login and password. It takes
me to my last log in account. Any idea?? I havent tried to put the
database back on the network yet. It's sitting on the desktop. Could
that be the problem?? Thank you an advance.


Good source for information, if you don't already have it:;[LN];207793

Joseph Meehan

John said:

Don't reply if you don't have the answer. This is considered to be


The information I provided was good.

I have never claimed to be a professional. I believe you will find that
few if anyone here is being paid to provide support, so I guess we are all
amateurs. :)

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