


When my open internet explorer the homepage is set to
c:/windows/secure.html though i deleted this file and
reset my homepage to yahoo.com it doesn't work. a blank
page opens with the windows system message
C://windos/secure.html cannot be found.!How do I over
come this problem! Please help me!

John Barnett - MVP

When you change the home page in Internet Options make sure that it says (in
your case) http//www.yahoo.com After you have correctly typed in the home
page url you *must* click the Apply button at the bottom of the window to
apply and save the new settings.

Ramesh [MVP]


Homepage changes unexpectedly:

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Prevent Spyware from being installed:

Prevent malware from being installed - Part 2:

When my open internet explorer the homepage is set to
c:/windows/secure.html though i deleted this file and
reset my homepage to yahoo.com it doesn't work. a blank
page opens with the windows system message
C://windos/secure.html cannot be found.!How do I over
come this problem! Please help me!

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