Secret to get the Linked Table Manger to work in Access 2007




I've got Access 2007 fully installed, every bell and whistle.

Is there some super secret trick to enable the "Linked Table Manager"

At the moment, nothing I've tried to enable it actually does - it just
sits there all gray... A search in Access 2007 Help for "Linked Table
Manager" gives nothing useful.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions.


Jeff Boyce


You may have already checked this, but does your application actually have
any Linked tables? I could imagine that Access wouldn't bother providing
that option if there was nothing to "manage".


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Thanks for replying Sean. No, its just one giant database with 200-
some linked tables in it. I upgraded from a 2003 database which seems
to be the problem. Creating the database anew seems to work fine. Who
knows, but I'm busy mooshing 2003 bits into 2007 and, while a ginormic
waste of time, appears to be working and my Linked Table Manager seems
to be accessible now.

Thanks again!


Thanks Jeff. It does have linked tables but, and maybe this was my a
shortcoming on my first post, I forgot to mention that I upgraded my
database from Access 2003. I created the database (table parts
anyhow) anew in 2007 and it seems to work fine. I'm adding the 2003
non-table bits to the 2007 newly created tables and it seems to be
working. The Linked Table Manager is available and I'm happy! An
enormous waste of time but I'm on my way and happy to at least be

Thanks again for replying, I appreciate your time.

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