Searching to match by numeric characters



How do search (desiganated folders/files) using the Search by a ' Word or
Phrase in a file' when the match string is all numbers (example:

Please advise


Brian A.

Rod Leehy said:
How do search (desiganated folders/files) using the Search by a ' Word or
Phrase in a file' when the match string is all numbers (example:

To keep the number of files found to a specific file type containing the word, use
the file ext. for that file type:

In the files/folders named input box type: *.file extension (Note: change file ext
to the actual ext name, -- Ex: *.doc -- that's -- asterisk dot fileext)
In the Containing Text input box copy/paste/type the actual numbers/letters as they
are, the entire string isn't always necessary.
Select the volume/drive/partition to search or click the dropdown arrow and click
Browse to select a directory/folder.


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
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