Searching in 'variable' worksheets




I'm a quite amatuer in Excel so I need a help in the following:
I developed a spreadsheet with several worksheets named each by months of
year. Each monthly sheet contains datas in same structures - they are daily
production figures, losses etc.
Now I want to make a separate worksheet which extracts these datas from any
of the monthly sheets for a determined date - making a Daily Production
I guess the right function will be the VLOOKUP - I have no problem with
using this function. But how can I define that it searches in the right
monthly sheet?
Secondly how can be this DailyProductionReport worksheet (only this) be sent
to pre-defined mail-recipients?

Any help would be much appreciated.


Gary''s Student

You are correct, VLOOKUP() is the way to go.

Let's say we have a number of data sheets. Each data sheet has dates in
column A and data in column B. We want to get the value for a specific date
for a specific sheet. Say data sheet March has:

3/11/2008 $209.00
3/12/2008 $197.00
3/13/2008 $254.00
3/14/2008 $80.00
3/15/2008 $21.00
3/16/2008 $155.00
3/17/2008 $35.00
3/18/2008 $47.00
3/19/2008 $215.00
3/20/2008 $218.00
3/21/2008 $38.00
3/22/2008 $256.00
3/23/2008 $190.00
3/24/2008 $218.00
3/25/2008 $124.00
3/26/2008 $141.00
3/27/2008 $51.00
3/28/2008 $113.00
3/29/2008 $106.00
3/30/2008 $60.00

In the summary sheet cell A1 put:
In the summary sheet cell A2 put:
In the summary sheet cell A3 put:
=VLOOKUP(A1,INDIRECT(A2 & "!A1:B20"),2)

the correct value will be returned.

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