Searching for records within subform


Marcus Young

I have two tables in an Access Database that are related. One contains
details about jobs and the post number is the primary key. The foreign key
is within a second table which gives the employee details. I have created a
form which uses these two tables. The employee table is a subform within the
main form about the post.

I want to be able to find employees using the normal search button, but in a
subform it only searches against employees recorded in a specific post and
doesn't search the database as a whole. How can I incorporate a search
facility on the form that will allow me to find any employee within the
database - I have tried creating a control button and associating it with a
macro, but the find macros don't allow me to search the whole database. Any
help with searching for records contained within a subform would be
gratefully appreciated!

Larry Linson

I'll wager that if you explained what you are trying to _accomplish_,
instead of how you wanted to do it... which clearly seems not to be
working... someone could make a useful suggestion.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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