Searching for multiple results in one cell



I am trying to plot start and end dates. I am able to do this although I am
using a table that can have multiple entries to be plotted.

I am using this formula:

This is a nested IF that will search the List of names for a match, it will
then try and match the start date, then end date and finally if the date is
in between the two.

The problem I have is AA for example will have 2 entries, I want to plot
both Entries on a particular row although after the matches finds the first
Match, it stops looking.

Is there anyway to have a formula where is will look for a match, and
continue looking through out the array.

In a programming sense I would want an IF Loop Until it reaches end of array
or meets critera.

Below is an illustration of the table.

1 2 3 4 5 6
AA S M E - - -
BB - S M M E -
CC - - - - S M
DD - - S M M E
EE - S M M M E
FF - E S - - -
CC - - - - S M

Name Sdate Edate
AA 1 3
BB 2 5
CC 5 8
DD 3 6
EE 2 6
FF 3 2
AA 1 6
CC 1 5


Try the following...

1) First, define the following reference...

Select B2 (needs to be the active cell)

Insert > Name > Define

Name: RowNum

Refers to:


Click Ok

2) Enter the following formula in B2, copy across, and down:


Hope this helps!

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