searching for an answer



Hi all. My search function [start>search] has stopped working. It starts but never completes. It stops somewhere at random and will stay there forever I guess. I was getting by with jv16 power tools but they removed it from my machine.Any ideas on what it could be or if there is any software like jv16 that will do a searchI have win xp home. Thanks


-----Original Message-----
Hi all. My search function [start>search] has stopped
working. It starts but never completes. It stops
somewhere at random and will stay there forever I guess.
I was getting by with jv16 power tools but they removed
it from my machine.Any ideas on what it could be or if
there is any software like jv16 that will do a searchI
have win xp home. Thanks



I had a similar situation on a LAN ended up being something with the folders
or files in the folder I was searching. What I did was copied the folder and
deleted the old one and renamed the new to the old. Search after that went
its normal slow way. ha-ha.
Hope it helps because I spent a week searching for the problem. On a side
note this occurred after installing a third party search software program.


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