Searching Email



The person in my job before me embedded .msg files/messages from Outlook into
Word documents. Unfortunately, now, I have to search these messages. I've
tried to run a normal search of the files, looking for key words, but it
doesn't work. Is there a way to search the messages (i.e. move them into a
..pst file so I can pull them into Outlook)? I'm running Office 2003. Since
I can't include an example in this post, I would be happy to send one to
someone if you think you can help.

Thank you!

Bob I

One way, you could open the document, then open the MSG file, then do
Forward As Attachment. The To is immaterial. You may then drag and drop
the attachment from the unsent e-mail to an Outlook folder.


Thanks, Bob. But does anyone know of a faster way? There are literally
hundreds (if not thousands) of MSG files located in roughly 600 Word Docs.


I tried following Bob's advice step-by-step as written, but it doesn't seem
to work. How do you forward an open email as an attachment? I know how to
create a new email and send an email as an attachment (like a file would be
attached) - or save an email as a .msg file.

This other person literally took each email received, saved them
individually as .msg files, then embedded them into Word Docs. She took each
day's email and created a new .doc file for every day, using that day's date
as the file name (i.e. 1-05-07.doc). There are about two year's worth of
these files.

John Blessing

Jen said:
I tried following Bob's advice step-by-step as written, but it
doesn't seem to work. How do you forward an open email as an
attachment? I know how to create a new email and send an email as an
attachment (like a file would be attached) - or save an email as a
.msg file.

This other person literally took each email received, saved them
individually as .msg files, then embedded them into Word Docs. She
took each day's email and created a new .doc file for every day,
using that day's date as the file name (i.e. 1-05-07.doc). There are
about two year's worth of these files.

You will need custom code to automate what you would otherwise have to do
manually. Maybe you can find a programmer who will do it, but unless it is
in-house, it will cost you.

John Blessing - Help Desk software - Schedule rooms & equipment
bookings - De-Duplicates MS Outlook - schedule mass individual emails


Thanks, John. Not exactly what I wanted to hear. We're under too much of a
time crunch to wait on a programmer.
If anyone else has any other suggestions, please let me know.


Bob I

How do you forward an open email as an attachment?

In Outlook 2007 click Other Actions, Forward as Attachment


Thank you. But unfortunately, that doesn't help. As I said in my original
post, I'm running Office 2003 (which includes Outlook). The option you speak
of is not available in Outlook 2003, at least not that I can see.


That works, and it's the cheapest route to go, but sad to say it's still
rather time-consuming. However, it may be what I'll have to do. In the
meantime, I have our IT department trying to figure it out, too.

Bob--Thank you for your help. I really do appreciate it.

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