searching by filename



I tried to do a search for *.zip and got zero results. I tried to do
a search for 'yawnmoth' and that time got quite a few results,
although not all of them make sense - in some cases, I got files like
"IMG00032.jpg" back. 'yawnmoth' is clearly not in the filename and
although the binary data may, coincidentally, happen to contain the
string 'yawnmoth', I don't know why Windows is presuming to search for
it. Or maybe it's in the meta information but I don't care about the
meta information - all I want to do is find files whose name confirm
to a certain pattern.


In the search box type "Name:" (without the quotes) followed by all or part
of the filename you are looking for.


In the search box type "Name:" (without the quotes) followed by all or part
of the filename you are looking for.

Or install a search tool that has an intuitive interface, as opposed
to the mangled mess that is Vista Search.

After that, you can shut off indexing and the indexing service and
improve system performance.

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