searching a Combo box for a Generic item


Chuck P

I have a DisplayValueItem object that is used to fill a ComboListBox
with items. It used to be the Value and Display members were string.
I changed it to a generic (T, string) and now the below code fails.

x = new DisplayValueItem < int >(1, "stuff");
bFound = clbOutcomes.Items.Contains(x);
bFound = clbOutcomes.Items.Contains(new DisplayValueItem < int >(1,

bFound for x comes out true
bFound for new comes out false

I don't understand why it worked before I turned the DisplayValueItem
from a non-Generic (string, string) into a Generic (T,string).

public class DisplayValueItem
private string mValue;
private string mDisplay;
public DisplayValueItem(string ValueField, string
mValue = ValueField;
mDisplay = DisplayField;
public string Value
get { return mValue; }

public string Display
get { return mDisplay; }


public class DisplayValueItem<T>
private T mValue;
private string mDisplay;
public DisplayValueItem(T ValueField, string DisplayField)
mValue = ValueField;
mDisplay = DisplayField;
public T Value
get { return mValue; }

public string Display
get { return mDisplay; }


Walter Wang [MSFT]

Hi Chuck,

I'm not sure what do you mean by "why it worked before I turned the
DisplayValueItem from a non-Generic (string, string) into a Generic (T,
string)" because using your non-Generic version of DisplayValueItem,
following code also turns out the same true and false result:

DisplayValueItem y = new DisplayValueItem("1", "stuff");
bFound = comboBox1.Items.Contains(y);
bFound = comboBox1.Items.Contains(new DisplayValueItem("1", "stuff"));

Which I think is expected because you didn't override Equals in
DisplayValueItem to compare by the fields in it.

ComboBox internally uses a non-Generic ArrayList to store the items.
ArrayList uses Object.Equals to find an item. If your intention is to find
item by both mValue and mDisplay member in your class DisplayValueItem, you
need to override Equals like following:

public class DisplayValueItem
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null) return false;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false;
DisplayValueItem other = obj as DisplayValueItem;
return mValue.Equals(other.mValue) &&

public class DisplayValueItem<T>
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null) return false;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false;
DisplayValueItem<T> other = obj as DisplayValueItem<T>;
return mValue.Equals(other.mValue) &&

I hope this helps. Please reply to let us know whether or not you need
further information. Thank you.

Walter Wang ([email protected], remove 'online.')
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maybe it was one of those cases where it was comparing strings on the

I got a warning about the hashcode so I used this too:

public override int GetHashCode()
return mDisplay.GetHashCode() ^ mValue.GetHashCode();

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