Search Rows in a spreadsheet



I have a large spreadsheet with multiple columns and many rows. One ro
is product Name, another column is Product Description. Can I searc
each row in this sheet by using two terms, for example, "IBM" fo
Product Name and "Desktop PC" for Product Description. Also, i
general, can the search term include a wild card???

As always, thanks for all the help

Tom Ogilvy

Using the find method
You can search for IBM, then check if the description cell contains Desktop
PC. If so, you found it. If not, continue the search (Find Next). See the
help example for FindNext.

Yes, you can use some wildcards in the argument to the Find Method.
What:="ABC*", Lookat:=xlWhole

will find cells that start with ABC for example.


Thanks Tom...

My main question, can you search the rows of the sheet using two term
at the "same time"? I would like to do a search in one time and labe
the row where the search is successful for the two terms and not jus
one at a time

Tom Ogilvy

No. But since you achieve the expected results with the method I provided,
I don't see the difference.

An alternative would be to use the Autofilter to filter each column on the
respective value, then pick up the visible row (if any).

You can do this manually with the macro recorder on to get the code.

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