Search result.


Steve Richer

I created a seach form and I am trying to display the result into a new
I've used the component that comes in frontpage...

When I go on the search form properties, I have not seen any options that
enables me to redirect to a new page.

Is it possible to do using this component, or do I have to create a custom
form/script to achieve this result.

Thanks, any answer is appreciated

Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----
I created a seach form and I am trying to display the
result into a new page.
I've used the component that comes in frontpage...

When I go on the search form properties, I have not seen
any options that enables me to redirect to a new page.

Is it possible to do using this component, or do I have
to create a custom form/script to achieve this result.

To achieve this result, you'll need to create a custom
form/script. The documentation for this is a bit
overwhelming, but for starters try:

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out ||
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out ||
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition ||
|| Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002 ||
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming ||
|| (All from Microsoft Press) ||

Steve Richer

Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure do, that the links you refered me too,
are exactly what I need... You refer me to indexing. (Indexing Service
Reference) and (OLE DB Provider for Indexing Service Reference)...

So anyway, I decided that it would make a clean site just by having a
dedicated page to search. (I just added a link to it, top right corner of my
site and it looks ok)

But, I'm still having another issue and it seems to me that it has to do
with indexing again.

The site I'm making is to promote a demo version for a software...

What we want is to be able to register all the downloads using a form.

Which I can do without any difficulties, thanks to FP.

All my result goes into a text files that I'll import into our SQL server.

Anyway to make this story short, everytime someone register, we want to
email them a generic message with the demo license key. In the mean time I
also need to keep the text file top follow up on these visitor.

-I tried to set my form to build the text file with the result and email the

It seems it does not want to do both.

-Also the fact That I want to use a generic message... is there anyway to do
this without building a custom script.

Can we make a page that would send an email from a file in FP (after
registering, when the download page appears...?)

Thanks again for you're help. It is really appreciated.

(by the way next time I go to chapter's, I'll grab a copy of your book, the
one I purchase (60$ to hell) is just not accurate or elaborate enough for

Thank You!

Steve Richer

Support Analyst

Circumferences Technology Services Inc.
Multimedia Communication & Management Solutions
mailto:[email protected]

Jim Buyens

Steve Richer said:
Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure do, that the links you refered me too,
are exactly what I need... You refer me to indexing. (Indexing Service
Reference) and (OLE DB Provider for Indexing Service Reference)...

You would need to write an ASP or ASP.NET page that used the OLE DB
Provider for Indexing Service to access the Indexing Service catalog,
in much the same matter as you would a database.

The the Indexing Service catalog is a type of database that contains
the results of performing a full-text search of your site.

That's the connection.
So anyway, I decided that it would make a clean site just by having a
dedicated page to search. (I just added a link to it, top right corner of my
site and it looks ok)

But, I'm still having another issue and it seems to me that it has to do
with indexing again.

The site I'm making is to promote a demo version for a software...

What we want is to be able to register all the downloads using a form.

Which I can do without any difficulties, thanks to FP.

All my result goes into a text files that I'll import into our SQL server.

Anyway to make this story short, everytime someone register, we want to
email them a generic message with the demo license key. In the mean time I
also need to keep the text file top follow up on these visitor.

-I tried to set my form to build the text file with the result and email the

It seems it does not want to do both.

-Also the fact That I want to use a generic message... is there anyway to do
this without building a custom script.

Can we make a page that would send an email from a file in FP (after
registering, when the download page appears...?)

To download the file and send mail at the same time, you would need to
either develop a special Web page in ASP, ASP.NET, or whatever
server-side technology your Web server supports, or find a third-party

Same for sending custom-formatted mail.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out ||
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out ||
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition ||
|| Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002 ||
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming ||
|| (All from Microsoft Press) ||

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