Search one List<t> for a sub List<t>


Andrew Robinson

I have two List<t>. I need to search ListA to see if it contains ListB


ListA { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

Searching ListA with { 4, 5, 6 } would return true and an index of 3.
Searching ListA with { 4, 6, 5 } would return false and or an index of -1.

Hope my pseudo coding is clear?

Is there any easy way of doing this with generic lists? I am looking at
lists of strings for now.



This is an interesting post, and I wonder if anyone has implemented a
Set class yet using generics (and would like to share it).

Michael Bray

This is an interesting post, and I wonder if anyone has implemented a
Set class yet using generics (and would like to share it).

Although it doesn't directly affect your question, in detail, he couldn't
use a set class because he is dependent on order, which is contrary to set


Andrew Robinson

ok, did a bruit force type thing. would appreciate any comments on the code.
Seems to work:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

class ListSearch<T>


public ListSearch()



public int IndexOf(List<T> list, List<T> subList)


return IndexOf(list, subList, 0);


public int IndexOf(List<T> list, List<T> subList, int start)


T s = subList[0];

int i = list.FindIndex(start, delegate(T t) { return
t.Equals(s); });

if (i < 0)


// found no initial match

return -1;


for (int j = 1; j < subList.Count; j++)


if (!list[j + i].Equals(subList[j]))


// got here because we found a non equal value.

// if there are more elements in the list, start over at the
next element

if (j + i < list.Count)


return IndexOf(list, subList, i + 1);




return -1;




return i;



List<int> list = new List<int>();

List<int> subList = new List<int>();

list.Add(1); // 0

list.Add(2); // 1

list.Add(3); // 2

list.Add(4); // 3

list.Add(4); // 4

list.Add(5); // 5



ListSearch<int> listSearch = new ListSearch<int>();

int i = listSearch.IndexOf(list, subList);

returns 4 which is correct.

Luke Zhang [MSFT]

How about this:

class SearchableList<T> : List<T>

public int FindSubList(SearchableList<T> sublist, int start)

for (int i = start; i <= this.Count-sublist.Count ; i++)
int j;
for (j = 0; j < sublist.Count; j++)
if (!this[i+j].Equals(sublist[j]) ) break;

if (j==sublist.Count )
return i ;

return -1;


Andrew Robinson


Your version is cleaner but think they perform the same. I modified it a bit


public class ListSearch<T>
public static int IndexOf(List<T> list, List<T> sublist)
return IndexOf(0, list, sublist);

public static int IndexOf(int start, List<T> list, List<T> sublist)
for (int i = start; i <= list.Count - sublist.Count; i++)
int j = 0;
while (j < sublist.Count)
if (!list[i + j].Equals(sublist[j++])) break;
if (j == sublist.Count) return i;

return -1;

Andrew Robinson

Slight bug. Fixed:

public static class ListSearch<T>
public static int IndexOf(List<T> list, List<T> sublist)
return IndexOf(0, list, sublist);

public static int IndexOf(int start, List<T> list, List<T> sublist)
for (int i = start; i <= list.Count - sublist.Count; i++)
int j = 0;
while (j < sublist.Count)
if (!list[i + j].Equals(sublist[j])) break;
if (j < sublist.Count) j++;

if (j == sublist.Count) return i;

return -1;

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