search not working


David Schwartz

At some point, the search facility for the OS stopped working. When I start
a search, it immediately declares that it's complete when it obviously
hasn't done anything.

Any thoughts?


David R. Schwartz
Bellevue, WA
(e-mail address removed)


HelpNeeded said:
The total jack asses at Microsoft are trying to protect you from you
by making it impossible to search files that have extensions that are

You wrote "Nazi". I invoke Godwin's Law. You have lost and should now go

Think about adjusting your dosages, too.


Bruce Chambers

Malke said:
You wrote "Nazi". I invoke Godwin's Law. You have lost and should now go

Think about adjusting your dosages, too.


Sadly, however, Malke, you've also lost the argument by explicitly
invoking "Godwin's Law" in an attempt to end the thread. (There is also
a widely-recognized codicil that any intentional invocation of Godwin's
law for its thread-ending effects will be unsuccessful.)'s_law



Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH

Al Smith

You wrote "Nazi". I invoke Godwin's Law. You have lost and should now go
Sadly, however, Malke, you've also lost the argument by explicitly invoking "Godwin's Law" in an attempt to end the thread. (There is also a widely-recognized codicil that any intentional invocation of Godwin's law for its thread-ending effects will be unsuccessful.)'s_law


But doesn't the explicit mention of the invoking of Godwin's law
invalidate the objection? I'm so confused. Makes me want to become
a Nazi.


I haven't a clue as to where you guys find the time to write about the crap
you do. You must be on someone else's payroll and have no life.

Anyway, the fix seems simple enough, but is absolutely an unnecessary
nuisance in my opinion.

Per the link I posted:

To resolve this problem for other file types, install a program that
registers a filter for the file type that you want to search. If no program
that provides a filter is available, you can use the plain text filter for a
file type. To do this, add a PersistentHandler key under the file type key
in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and set its (Default) string value name to the
following value:
WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious
problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft
cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry
Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

For example, to use the text filter provider for .zzz files, the following
registry setting should exist:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.zzz\PersistentHandler\(Default) =
After you add this value to the registry, you must log off and then log back
on to make the change take effect.

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