search menu issue



my search for my site is picking up pages that have been
previously published but have been deleted from my web.
For example, when i type in "forums", disc_page_1 is still
showing up in results. In other searches pages such as
new_page_1 show up. i do not see these pages listed in my
remote site anymore, as i had deleted everything and
started clean. and they are not hiding in any folders to
my knowledge. the only file i don't know anything about is
fprotate.css? (forget the extension). please help, i don't
want visitors getting results to pages and links that
aren't there. thx!

Thomas A. Rowe

Open the remote site in FP, and run Tools | Recalculate Hyperlinks


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Crash Gordon

what tom said+

when you deleted the old pages did you delete them off the server or your local copy?

if you deleted them off only your local copy when you publish you need to set your publish appropriately or it won't prompt you to delete the files on the server.

| my search for my site is picking up pages that have been
| previously published but have been deleted from my web.
| For example, when i type in "forums", disc_page_1 is still
| showing up in results. In other searches pages such as
| new_page_1 show up. i do not see these pages listed in my
| remote site anymore, as i had deleted everything and
| started clean. and they are not hiding in any folders to
| my knowledge. the only file i don't know anything about is
| fprotate.css? (forget the extension). please help, i don't
| want visitors getting results to pages and links that
| aren't there. thx!

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