Search Formula



The following formula do not work to capture the either of the test string. I
guess I am missing something here.

IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("Direct Fundings","direct funding",AA122)),"","Direct

Thanks to correct it.


Fred Smith

What you are missing is the parameters which Search will accept. When you
enter a function into Excel, it will show you what parameters it will
accept. In the case of Search, there's three:
find_text, within_text, start-num

So you are asking Excel to find "Direct Fundings" within the string "direct
funding" starting at position aa122. This can't be done, so Excel returns an

My guess is you want to find either "Direct Fundings" or "direct funding"
anywhere in AA122. If so, you only have to search for the latter, as it's a
subset of the former. So try:
IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("direct funding",AA122)),"","Direct Fundings")


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