Search Engine friendly urls using IIS and ASP.NET



Apache has a look-back feature that lets it scan back down the URL if it
doesn't find what it is looking for.
For example:
In this above case there is no directory or file called 12, so it looks at
999. There is no directory or file called 999 so Apache looks down the URL
and sees article.php, which does exist, and calls up that script. Apache
also has a global variable called $PATH_INFO that is created on every HTTP
request. What this variable contains is the script being called and
everything to the right of that information in the URL. So in the example we
have been using $PATH_INFO will contain article.php/999/12.

How could we implement such behaviour in IIS and ASP.NET?
Could anybody provide some useful links to similar techniques?


Guest had a sidebar on Hierarchical URLs a few years ago which describes
how to take a friendly, mappable URL (human readable) and make it a URL that
conforms to model-view-controller. It is not 100% identical to what you are
looking for, but the basic theory will solve your issue.


Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!

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