Search documents [Word] by author



Like the title says, is ther a way to search documents [Word] by author?
Either a build in function in Windows or a third party software?

Thank you.


Assuming Word 2003 (and earlier but might be implemented differently based
on version) & assuming that the authors entered their User Information in

The User Names automatically get picked up by the file Properties as Author.
In the Open dialog, click the Tools button, select Search, then go to the
Advanced tab. In the Property list, select Author then set the Condition &
Value. Click the Add button & Go once you have all your search criteria set.


Is there a way of saving that search? eg, now that we can find all the docs
the author has written, and we extend the criteria to include date range,
keywords, templates etc to narrow the results down. The function was there is
earlier versions of Word 9and other Office products) - has it been dropped?

Richard Bacon
New Zealand

CyberTaz said:
Assuming Word 2003 (and earlier but might be implemented differently based
on version) & assuming that the authors entered their User Information in

The User Names automatically get picked up by the file Properties as Author.
In the Open dialog, click the Tools button, select Search, then go to the
Advanced tab. In the Property list, select Author then set the Condition &
Value. Click the Add button & Go once you have all your search criteria set.
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Manuel said:
Like the title says, is ther a way to search documents [Word] by author?
Either a build in function in Windows or a third party software?

Thank you.


Is there a way of saving that search? eg, now that we can find all the docs
the author has written, and we extend the criteria to include date range,
keywords, templates etc to narrow the results down. The function was there is
earlier versions of Word 9and other Office products) - has it been dropped?

Richard Bacon
New Zealand

CyberTaz said:
Assuming Word 2003 (and earlier but might be implemented differently based
on version) & assuming that the authors entered their User Information in

The User Names automatically get picked up by the file Properties as Author.
In the Open dialog, click the Tools button, select Search, then go to the
Advanced tab. In the Property list, select Author then set the Condition &
Value. Click the Add button & Go once you have all your search criteria set.
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Manuel said:
Like the title says, is ther a way to search documents [Word] by author?
Either a build in function in Windows or a third party software?

Thank you.

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