Search Directories/SubDirectories UserForm


Patrick Kirk

Would anyone know how to create a userform that searches all subdirectories
for a particular name (ex: Any file with R0012 in it's name) and list the
findings within the form itself?

Another example, if I used the search function on Windows (start, search,
find...), the results should be within the userform with a scroll bar to show
all. Any help anyone can give will be greatly appreciated.


Hi Patrick

The code below is pretty much the code stright from the excel VBA help
file. To test it create a userform with a listbox and a button and
paste the code below to userform module.

Option Explicit
Dim Fs As Object
Dim i As Integer

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Set Fs = Application.FileSearch

With Fs
'Change below to give the name of the Directory you want to search
.LookIn = "C:\"
.SearchSubFolders = True
.Filename = "*R0012*"

If .Execute() > 0 Then

For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count

ListBox1.AddItem (.FoundFiles(i))

Next i


MsgBox "There were no files found."

End If

End With

End Sub

Hope this helps


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