search column and output results in new worksheet in a different o



Hi all
I am making a roster at work and need to print out daily sheets from the
master 4 weekly roster.

master roster (2 days, jack and aimee do not work tue so cells are blank
name hrs mon locn tue
anna 60 7:30 inside 8:30 l5
jess 50 13:30 l5 9:00 inside
terri 12 12:00 l5 7:30 l5
jack 8 7:30 inside
aimee 8 13:30 l5

New Worksheet
7:30 anna
7:30 jack

12:00 terri
13:30 aimee
13:30 jess

I am such a beginner at excel so any help is greatly appreciated.


You only showed 2 locations, so this assumes two locations.

Sub MakeSchedules()
Dim sh As Worksheet, sh1 As Worksheet
Set sh = ActiveSheet
If LCase(sh.Cells(1, 1).Value) <> "name" Then
MsgBox "Schedule isn't the active sheet"
Exit Sub
End If
Set rng = sh.Range(sh.Cells(2, 1), sh.Cells(2, 1).End(xlDown))
For i = 3 To 11 Step 2
Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
Set sh1 = ActiveSheet
sh1.Name = sh.Cells(1, i)
sh1.Cells(1, 1) = sh.Cells(1, i)
sh1.Cells(2, 1) = "Inside"
rw1 = 3
rw2 = rw1 + rng.Count + 1
sh1.Cells(rw2, 1) = "l5"
rw2 = rw2 + 1
For Each cell In rng
If LCase(cell.Offset(0, i)) = "inside" Then
sh1.Cells(rw1, 1) = cell.Offset(0, i - 1).Value
sh1.Cells(rw1, 1).NumberFormat = "hh:mm"
sh1.Cells(rw1, 2).Value = cell
rw1 = rw1 + 1
ElseIf LCase(cell.Offset(0, i)) = "l5" Then
sh1.Cells(rw2, 1) = cell.Offset(0, i - 1).Value
sh1.Cells(rw2, 1).NumberFormat = "hh:mm"
sh1.Cells(rw2, 2).Value = cell
rw2 = rw2 + 1
End If
Set rng2 = sh1.Cells(rw1, 1).End(xlDown)(0)
sh1.Range(sh1.Cells(rw1 + 1, 1), rng2).EntireRow.Delete
End Sub


thank you so much for your fast reply. I tried your suggestion however it
returned the error 400?

when you say "you only showed 2 locations....." what does that mean?

I would like to print a sheet for each day with the title "recovery staffing
day: date:" . preferrably the night before. In the example I only included
mon (sorry was so tired could not type the rest) so I need a sheet for tue,
wed, etc. I was hoping to put a button on the sheet to press to do this

Thank you again for your quick reply and I hope you write soon. Paul

Tom Ogilvy

The 400 error has nothing to do with my macro. Try closing exel and starting

You showed two locations in your data Inside and l5

It does all the days as written.


Thank you again for your reply!

Well Tom I do have more locations. again my fault ... there is another
location transport.

I too don't know why I get the 400 error. oh well.

I am researching VBA and am starting to recognize alittle in what you have
given me. but any further help in what you have written would be appreciated.

yours paul.


Thank you again for your reply.

Yes I do have more locations... another called transport.

I am madly trying to learn vba and must say am quite thick as have not used
this part of brain for a long time... ask me to put someone on a bed pan or
control someones pain and things to do with patients then that side of the
brain is super sharp...

So Tom if you have the patience can you explain the code you have written so
I can apply it to my future learning.

Thank you

Tom Ogilvy

I have adjusted the code to add a third location called "transport" (in
addition to "inside" and "L5")

I have added comments to the code to explain what it is doing

I have used your data and extended it to the right to cover Mon to Fri and
added a few entries
for transport and it worked as expected.

Sub MakeSchedules()
Dim sh As Worksheet, sh1 As Worksheet
Dim i As Long, rw1 As Long, rw2 As Long
Dim rng As Range, cell As Range
Dim rw3 As Long, rng2 As Range
Set sh = ActiveSheet
' check if the schedule sheet is the active sheet
' assumes the label "name" will be in A1
If LCase(sh.Cells(1, 1).Value) <> "name" Then
MsgBox "Schedule isn't the active sheet"
Exit Sub
End If
' get a range reference to the extent of the list of names
' in column 1 of the active sheet.
' same as if you selected A2, then held down the shift key,
' then hit the end key and then the down arrow key
Set rng = sh.Range(sh.Cells(2, 1), sh.Cells(2, 1).End(xlDown))
' Loop through the columns, starting in column C going
' every other column - going day to day
For i = 3 To 11 Step 2
' add a new sheet for that day
Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
' set a reference to it
Set sh1 = ActiveSheet
' name it according to schedule sheet, row1
sh1.Name = sh.Cells(1, i)
' put the same name in A1 of the new sheet
sh1.Cells(1, 1) = sh.Cells(1, i)
' in A2 put "Inside"
sh1.Cells(2, 1) = "Inside"
' I am going to add names to each locatio, but my locations will
' be in rows far enough apart that all names in the schedule could
' be entered under any single location. I will then keep track of
' where the next name is to be entered using rw1 (inside), rw2 (l5), rw3
' this allows me to add names in one pass of the data - using a very
simple method
' I could add rows or do multiple passes, but this seemed the simplest to
' initialize the locations
rw1 = 3
rw2 = rw1 + rng.Count + 1
rw3 = rw2 + rng.Count + 1
' add labels for l5 and transport
sh1.Cells(rw2, 1) = "l5"
sh1.Cells(rw3, 1) = "Transport"
' adjust to the next blank row
rw2 = rw2 + 1
rw3 = rw3 + 1
' now loop through the list of names and
' use the data from the column I am processing
' and from the list of names. The "i" variable indicates
' which column from the schedule I am processing
For Each cell In rng
If LCase(cell.Offset(0, i)) = "inside" Then
' write the time on the new sheet
sh1.Cells(rw1, 1) = cell.Offset(0, i - 1).Value
sh1.Cells(rw1, 1).NumberFormat = "hh:mm"
' write the name on the new sheet
sh1.Cells(rw1, 2).Value = cell
' adjust the location to write the next name
rw1 = rw1 + 1
ElseIf LCase(cell.Offset(0, i)) = "l5" Then
sh1.Cells(rw2, 1) = cell.Offset(0, i - 1).Value
sh1.Cells(rw2, 1).NumberFormat = "hh:mm"
sh1.Cells(rw2, 2).Value = cell
rw2 = rw2 + 1
ElseIf LCase(cell.Offset(0, i)) = "transport" Then
sh1.Cells(rw3, 1) = cell.Offset(0, i - 1).Value
sh1.Cells(rw3, 1).NumberFormat = "hh:mm"
sh1.Cells(rw3, 2).Value = cell
rw3 = rw3 + 1
End If
' now delete blank rows that might be between the
' locations. Work from the bottom up so the rows
' locations of subsequent locations are not affected
' (since I am deleting rows)
Set rng2 = sh1.Cells(rw2, 1).End(xlDown)(0)
sh1.Range(sh1.Cells(rw2 + 1, 1), rng2).EntireRow.Delete
Set rng2 = sh1.Cells(rw1, 1).End(xlDown)(0)
sh1.Range(sh1.Cells(rw1 + 1, 1), rng2).EntireRow.Delete
End Sub

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