Search and replace Macro help needed



I have about 10 words that I need to search and replace. I need to make
sure that it only searches and changes whole words. I would also need
to change the colour to green.

Does anyone have a Macro that will do this? I need it to search and
replace all 60 sheets in the file.


Search for all instances of "shop"

I want to go to the *shop*

Replace with "pub"

I want to go to the *pub*

I also need to make sure it is case sensitive and only finds full words
or sentences.

Shop = won't be changed
shopping = won't be changed


I have Excel 2000

Many thanks

Ron de Bruin

and add a line to replace : rng.value = "what you want"
This is not working in this example.
Use it only for making the color

See the VBA help for the Replace Function

Regards Ron de Bruin

Ron de Bruin said:
Here are some basic examples
Try it on a test workbook

See the last example on this page(all sheets)

Change Matchcase to True
and add a line to replace : rng.value = "what you want"

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