Search All Files Find Newest One Report To Excel 2007



Hello All

I am running Excel 2007 I need to create a VBA script that will allow me to
select a folder(Team) then the program would walk the tree and find the
newest file based on date modified in each folder(Project) (Must search sub
folders of each project as well) The goal here is to provide each team with
a list of their project and the latest activity on each project to help them
decide which projects are ready to be archived off our main server.

Project 3

Return would look like

Team Project Newest File
Harry Stadium 10/17/2005
Harry Theater 11/25/2006

I'm looking for some Code ideas as well as concepts. I've never been very
good at creating efficient algorithms / searches. Each Project may have 10k

If doing this in Excel 2003 is easier I can do that as well.



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