Search a random array of cells and return a value of "X"



Looking for a way to conduct a "LOOKUP" in a random array of cells, ie
A1:A25, B2,B5,C2,C5 find a specific result and return a value of "X" in a
specific cell.


Not sure if there's a direct way,
but perhaps something along these lines ..

In Sheet1,

Use 2 empty cols, say: cols E & F
to list the sheetnames (in col E)
& cell references (in col F),

Sheet2, a1
Sheet2, b2
Sheet3, b5

Then put in G1, and copy down:

Col G will return the contents of the cells referenced

Then if we have the lookup values listed in A1 down,
we could put in B1:
and copy B1 down

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