Scrolling through records in a form (cannot fast scroll using mouse)

  • Thread starter The Dog Breeders List
  • Start date

The Dog Breeders List

I now have Access 2007, and cannot scroll fast through records in a form
like I could in Access 2000. Is there a way to turn something on, so I don't
go one record at a time? I have to scan one record at a time to get from
record 1 say to 350. DB has over 500 records. Why did they turn off the fast
I asked this question in the Forms group, but didn't get an answer.
Thanks in advance.

Douglas J. Steele

I don't have Access 2007 installed on this machine, but I believe there's a
property you can change to allow you to scroll with the mouse wheel.

I suspect that the reason they changed it was that the majority of people
were asking for how to turn it off in previous versions!

The Dog Breeders List

Hello All. I just want to be able to use my mouse to select next or previous
to quickly move through the records in the form. Sucks if they have disabled
this. Going through 500+ records 1 at a time stinks.

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