scrolling image



Hope someone can help...

I have an image on the page which i have made scrollable with the
following code:

<div id="Layer1" style="LEFT: 8px; TOP: 368px; height: 180px;
width:780px; position: absolute; overflow-x: scroll">
<asp:image id="Image1" style="Z-INDEX: 105; LEFT: 8px; TOP:
368px" runat="server" ImageUrl="LegendForm.aspx"></asp:image>

The problem is this: if the image is for example scrolled as far to
the right as it can go; when doing do a postback, the scrolling image
then returns to is original position (displaying the picture from the
top left). I would like it to retain its scrolled position when doing

Is there anyway this is possible?


Kevin Spencer

Possibly using SmartNavigation. However, be advised that this is still a bit
buggy, and is only supported by IE.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Big things are made up of
Lots of Little Things.

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