Script user id and password



Hello. The code below simply opens a csv file that is housed on a web
server. Unfortunately to connect to it, a user id and password is required
(Apache). Can that user id and pw be coded in my vba module?

CSVPath = "http://test/testdata/latestdata.csv"

Workbooks.Open CSVPath


Hi Chris. Thanks for the response. I tried it, but got an error. I
entered your proposed url directly into internet explorer, but got "page
cannot be displayed". I assume I substitute the actaul userid and password
where you have below? Any ideas? Thanks!


Chris. nevermind! When it runs in the code, it works perfectly!! Thanks
you SO much!! Much appreciated.




Your suggestion below works sometimes, not always. It's strange....often
when I open the file for the forst time and run the code, it still prompts
me for the user id and password. If I ener it, then rerun the code later,
it does NOT prompt me for user id and password. Any idea how I can get it
to NEVER prompt me??

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