Screen Design




I need some help...Plz be patient and read it --i guess one cant get
more confusing than this 1

I have a set of screens ....

Screen1. A search screen - to search for a list of customers
Screen2. A view/modify screen - to view/modify the customer details
Screen3. A view/modify screen - to view specific customer details

My flow works this way...

I search for customers in screen1 - select a customer from the search
result -- navigate to screen 2 for viewing the details of the selected
customer -- navigate to screen3 from screen2 to view specific details
of the on BACK in screen3 to get back to screen2

When i move from screen2 to screen3, i need to pass some data to
screen3 (say Customer Type)... this data is actually modifiable in

Now my question is...

If a user changes the data in screen2 and navigates to screen3 without
SAVING, should i pass the old data or the latest but unsaved data to

When i click on Back in screen3, should i show the old or new data in
screen2-- actually i am reloading the contents of screen2 based on a
key i get the old data only as i have not saved the details..

NOW THE PROBLEM IS -- this is required for lot of information in
Also i have this scenario across the application...

Is there any better way of handling such flows...
Do we have any application blocks to handle such scenarios--does
microsoft user interface application block help..
If i have to identify if the user has made any changes and give him a
message be4 navigating to screen3, how do i do it --do i have to
persist the whole set of data...and also on back button click, i need
to reload the new data --where do i persist it etc



One possible solution:

After retrieving your customer data besides displaying it in editable fields
also set your data in hidden fileds , on navigating out of the screen
compare the value of the displayed controls with the hidden, if change
prompt for confirm('Save ').

Also ideally if you could give a save and next button, where you would save
the data before navigating.


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