Scrambled Page



True, FP2 does not but FP3 does.

Hmm, did not the questioner make the page using layers to start with? The
problem is that s/he (Taylor) does not know now to work with layers and CSS.
It may be possible they do not know anything about using tables for page
layout ;.)

Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion®

Thanks for the intelligent answer that creative / intelligent folks will
now learn and use as a sign of the future forward movement of FP /
Microsoft. I don't need a lesson - I buy books.

Best regards, Jeff @ (e-mail address removed)

Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion® - Cooking Crawfish & Alligators in New
Orleans...Southerners make good novelists; they have so many stories because
they have so much family and live in torrid heat.

E. T. Culling

Please explain this "True, FP2 does not but FP3 does." or will that be in
the Lesson?
Thanks, Eleanor

Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion®

You may want to use CSS layouts for the added speed but folks who cannot
learn CSS then use Tables set to 750 Pixels.

Tap the F1 key now. Search on - Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Best regards, Jeff @ (e-mail address removed)

Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion® - Cooking Crawfish & Alligators in New
Orleans...You should always boot into SAFE MODE to install / remove /
configure Hardware & Software > Click > Start > Settings > Control Panel >

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